
Garment Comfort Relies on Sweating Guarded Hotplate

Garment comfort consists of three aspects: thermal and water comfort, touching comfort and visual comfort. Both touching comfort and visual comfort can be measured by human body contact, while thermal and water comfort, as the most important feature, can only be measured by way of the professional device--sweatingguarded hotplate. 80% energy consumed by human activities turns to heat, and 90% of the energy will be dissipated, that’s why textile thermal resistance plays quite important role in maintaining human body temperature.

sweating guarded hotplate

Human body heat dissipating methods are various like radiations, conductivity, convection, besides, surface sweat evaporation can stimulate vapor diffusion and people will feel comfortable. If garments prevent water evaporation, then moisture content between skin and apparel increasing, vapor will accumulate and condense to water, people will feel quite uncomfortable. Garments thermal resistance and water vapor permeability of sweating guarded hotplate test exert great influence on heating exchange between human body and environment. Therefore, measuring these two factors can predict apparel thermal comfort in different environments.

sweating guarded hotplate standards

 sports wear water vapor peameability

Sweating guarded hotplate is especially popular among work wear such as firefighters, military police uniform and sport wear. For more sweating guarded hotplate information, QINSUN Instruments can offer professional guide.

